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Wind Energy Areas

In response to public input, the Proposed Wind Energy Lease Areas in 2024 have been significantly reduced from the original Call Areas of 2022.


Community engagement can significantly guide the potential development of floating offshore wind farms.


In 2019, BOEM began meeting in Oregon with many stakeholders to identify possible areas where offshore wind could be developed.  Based on years of input from meetings and testimonies from coastal residents, commercial fishers, tourist industry, Tribes, and many other parties, BOEM established three “Call Areas” in 2022. 


This was followed by more public input about site conditions, resources, and other uses within the call areas.  Based on this additional information (including concerns of commercial fishers), one call area was eliminated entirely, and the other two were substantially reduced into two Wind Energy Areas (WEA). 


Developers may select portions of the designated WEAs and submit bids to BOEM. If a developer’s bids are successful, leases will be granted on those portions of the Wind Energy Areas chosen by the developers.  The remaining un-leased areas will be eliminated from potential development.  This means the developed portions of the proposed wind energy lease areas may be much smaller than indicated on the 2024 map.


It is important to recognize that any developer with a lease still has seven or more years of environmental, site, and technical reviews to complete. Your ongoing public input is a vital part of this process, ensuring that all aspects are thoroughly reviewed before permission to build is granted.


The State of California and its coastal communities are developing floating offshore wind and progressing rapidly towards reinvigorating coastal economies while protecting their ocean assets and the environment. They are reaping the benefits of welcoming this new industry while honoring their commitment to sustainability. 


In Oregon, our commitment to sustainability

is unwavering, and the South Coast has some of the best wind fields in the world. 


On April 30, 2024, the Department of Interior announced proposed auction details and lease terms for two areas offshore the Oregon coast for offshore wind energy development. The proposed lease sale includes two areas offshore the Oregon coast. The proposed Brookings Wind Energy Area consists of 133,792 acres and is located approximately 18 miles from shore. The proposed Coos Bay Wind Energy Area consists of 61,203 acres and is located approximately 32 miles from shore.

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